Messy Sainthood Community
The mission of the Messy Sainthood Community is to support Catholic parents with the tools and resources to confidently raise strongly rooted children in the faith.
Our vision is to strengthen the Church through future generations, one domestic church at a time.
As a homeschooling mom of two small children, and former manager in the secular world, I am very familiar with the guilt and pressure that can arise from having to juggle so many aspects of life AND feel that I am not doing enough to bring my children in the faith.
For this reason, it is important to stress that nothing is impossible with God, and we as parents are more than capable of being the primary religious guides for our children.
In the Messy Sainthood Community, we acknowledge that every one of our children is a unique individual that does not learn the same way, and that all of us parents have wonderfully diverse backgrounds and experiences that have shaped our relationship with God. Our goal is to empower parents in their unique situations, that they may feel driven to seek God in all things.